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Welcome to the

Middleton Farm Solar Array

Consultation Hub


This page presents the proposed ground-mounted solar array development on land at Middleton Farm to residents, the community and interested parties.

The project has evolved through site surveys and desk-based assessments over recent months. Though the application is in the early stages of the Planning Process, with ongoing consultation with the Local Authority and Consultees, Cogeo's aim for this page is to set out the principles of the development sought and the drive behind the project.

Please use the dedicated enquiry form if you have any queries or wish to comment on this proposal.


Cogeo Planning & Environmental Services is working on behalf of Bluestone Energy Ltd. to complete the planning and environmental assessments required to seek planning permission from the Local Planning Authority, Renfrewshire Council.

Founded in 2018, Bluestone Energy Ltd. is one of the UK leaders in developing renewable technologies, leading the battery storage market and offering professional services within the High Voltage (HV) and Extra High Voltage (EHV) electrical distribution industry. The company has built a notable pipeline of over 30GW in the UK of solar, battery energy storage, and onshore wind infrastructure, including customers such as local authorities, water companies, utilities and large corporate businesses.

Bluestone Energy Ltd. aims to create a sustainable future via smart green solutions by minimising the current dependency on fossil fuels, driving down the escalating energy costs and reducing harmful carbon emissions in support of Net Zero. The company set a target of delivering 15 GW of renewable energy by 2035 (almost 25% of the UK's ambition).

The 'Ren Zero' campaign launched by Renfrewshire Council aims to achieve net zero emissions by 2030. This is in response to the climate emergency declared by the Local Authority in 2019, as well as the target established by the Scottish Government to have zero emissions by 2045.

The proposed solar PV installation at Middleton Farm aligns with the Renfrewshire Council' Ren Zero' campaign, calling for businesses to take action, be accountable for climate change, and reduce their carbon footprint.

Number of Panels


Development Generating Capacity

Up to 40 MW

Number of Inverters

20 units/kiosks

Maximum Panel Height

2.96 m

Panel Angle


Panel Spacing

3.4 m separation between rows

Frame Fixtures

Metal frames mounted on screw foundations



The proposal seeks permission from Renfrewshire Council to install a ground-mounted (GM) solar photovoltaic (PV) array development on land at Middleton Farm. The solar array is proposed on open ground to the north of Middleton Road, with existing field entrances optimised during the construction and operational phases. Fields to the south have been included in the site boundary for potential ecological enhancements and foraging.

This development provides an opportunity for various commercial parties within the region to reduce their carbon emissions through reliance upon a clean, renewable energy source at Middleton Farm, which will contribute positively to the carbon reduction targets of Renfrewshire Council.

The development comprises a series of ground-mounted solar panels with a combined generating capacity of up to 40 MW. Arranged in rows, supported off the ground by a series of narrow metal frames, usually composed of aluminium, the panels will face south.

Site Consultation Board Downloads

Board 1 - Project Introduction
View Consultation Board 1
Board 2 - Site Details
View Consultation Board 2
Board 3 - Site Location Plan
View Consultation Board 3
Board 4 - Site Layout
View Consultation Board 4
Board 5 - Zone of Theoretical Visibility
View Consultation Board 5
Board 6 - Visualisation 1
View Consultation Board 6
Board 7 - Visualisation 2
View Consultation Board 7
Board 8 - Next Steps
View Consultation Board 8

What Stage are we at with the Planning Process?

Given the scale of development, Cogeo submitted a Screening Opinion from Renfrewshire Council's Planning Department on 4th January 2024. The Response issued sets out that the proposal does not trigger the requirement for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Cogeo will now work alongside Bluestone Energy Ltd. to compile the necessary documents for the full planning application for the array and associated infrastructure. Cogeo will endeavor to keep interested parties up to date on progress and works undertaken along the way.


If you’ve any questions or comments to make on this project at this stage, please download and complete the form below. The Project Team will track these comments throughout, and provide a response where required.

Form Privacy Statement

By completing this form you are agreeing that we can hold and process your personal data in relation to this consultation exercise.

  • We will only share your personal data with the planning team for planning evaluation purposes only.
  • Your identifiable, personal data will not be used for any other purposes without your consent.