With extensive, detailed assessment of the heritage significance of Grade II* and II Listed buildings on site and evaluation of the potential impact that the proposed GM PV would have on these assets, provided by Cogeo’s in-house expertise and through close liaison with Gosport Council, meant the Gosport Borough Council Conservation and Design Team withdrew the holding objection.
The amended Conservation and Design Team consultee comments considered the submitted HIA a “detailed and well-written document which fully assesses the proposed scheme against the significance of the heritage assets”.
Lindsey Weaver, Cogeo’s Heritage Consultant, comments “I am delighted that this fascinating project resulted in Planning Permission being granted within two weeks of the HIA submission, illustrating the quality and value of the assessment without which the result would have been application refusal. For me, this shows that change within the setting of heritage assets does not always equate to harm. By ensuring the positive management of change for heritage assets, whilst achieving success for our client is a fantastic outcome, demonstrating heritage's essential part in the wider planning process".
For full details of the planning application, please refer to Gosport Borough Council's Public Access Planning Search, under reference 23/00051/FULL.