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Heritage in Action: GM Solar at QinetiQ Haslar

“The historic environment is one of our most precious assets. It contributes to our economy, to our cultural identity and to our sense of place” - Historic Environment Scotland.

This Historic Environment Scotland quote perfectly explains why we must respect our past when building for the future. All development can affect our Heritage and Archaeology, which is why it plays an essential role in our planning applications and environmental impact assessments, as well as within the decision-making process. 

These potential impacts were acutely in focus when E.ON Control Solutions Ltd. requested that Cogeo provide specialist heritage support for three ground-mounted solar photo-voltaic arrays in the grounds of Grade II* and II Listed Buildings at Haslar Marine Technology Park, Gosport.

Due to a holding objection from Gosport Council Conservation and Design Team, a full Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) was requested to support the live planning application. With heritage being a sticking point in the planning process, Cogeo’s specialist knowledge and experience transformed a potential refusal into a successful permission.


  • Grade II* - Gunboat Yard boundary walls, watchtowers and gates - View List Entry
  • Grade II - Number 2 Ship Tank, Haslar Marine Technology Park (former Admiralty Experiment Works) - View List Entry
  • Grade II - Manoeuvring Tank (now known as Ocean Basin), Haslar Marine Technology Park (former Admiralty Experiment Works) - View List Entry



Cogeo undertook a detailed Heritage Impact Assessment, including:

  • Review of relevant legislation and policy, including Gosport Borough Council Local Plan (2011 – 2029);
  • Review of Gosport Borough Council Conservation and Design Team Consultee comments;
  • Review of two high court legal cases referenced in consultee feedback;
  • Review of Historic Environment Record (HER);
  • Identification of heritage assets at risk of impact;
  • Definition of the significance of heritage assets, including that of their setting; and
  • Assessment of impact arising from the proposed development on significance (including setting).



Projects near significant heritage assets are often complex, with any ‘harm’ weighed against wider public benefits.

Gosport Borough Council Conservation and Design Team had strong concerns about:

  • The potential visual impact of the solar arrays, given the sensitivity of the heritage assets and their context, mainly due to no relevant assessment being originally submitted with the application.
  • The siting of panels, concluding that their locations may need amending to reduce impacts.

The ‘harm’ anticipated by the LPA would ultimately have resulted in refusal without Cogeo’s intervention.

Applying Knowledge and Experience

Establishing the impact of a development first requires understanding the sensitivity of heritage assets, particularly what makes them ‘special’. Once this value is established, the potential impact can be evaluated and determined.

By utilising the specialist knowledge at Cogeo, it was possible to define the heritage value of these Listed Buildings as communal, arising mainly from their function as a location for research, testing and innovation. Drawing on the capability of these assets to survive partially due to their ability to evolve in response to technological advances, the installation of a renewable energy source is a logical, natural extension in the deployment of innovative technology.

Equally, the Grade II* Gunboat Yard Wall rises to 4m in height, specifically intended to illustrate a fortified character and keep visibility into the site to a minimum. The immediate setting of the Listed Buildings within the site was found to detract from the ‘special interest’ of the assets, given that the surroundings included unkempt areas with overgrown vegetation and storage units.  From this thorough understanding, it was possible to conclude that whilst the proposed PV panels would impact this setting, this level of impact would not meaningfully impair the perception of understanding, appreciation or experience of the assets but instead create a neutral feature and enable better maintenance of the areas.

Additionally, the Cogeo team defined the constraints of the site, determining the areas selected for siting the solar PV as having the least magnitude of impact whilst having the greatest capacity for energy generation, with no risk of physical impacts.

Findings Concluded

  • No direct or indirect physical impact to heritage assets, with siting of the arrays suitable;
  • Visual impact reduced to within suitable levels due to the 4m high Grade II* Gunboat Yard wall;
  • The existing setting of the Listed Buildings does not significantly contribute to their importance or value;
  • The magnitude of change assessed as medium, with the significance of effect judged to be moderate in a worst-case scenario;
  • By facilitating electricity generation, the proposal gave rise to public benefits through renewable energy production.


With extensive, detailed assessment of the heritage significance of Grade II* and II Listed buildings on site and evaluation of the potential impact that the proposed GM PV would have on these assets, provided by Cogeo’s in-house expertise and through close liaison with Gosport Council, meant the Gosport Borough Council Conservation and Design Team withdrew the holding objection.

The amended Conservation and Design Team consultee comments considered the submitted HIA a “detailed and well-written document which fully assesses the proposed scheme against the significance of the heritage assets”.

Lindsey Weaver, Cogeo’s Heritage Consultant, comments “I am delighted that this fascinating project resulted in Planning Permission being granted within two weeks of the HIA submission, illustrating the quality and value of the assessment without which the result would have been application refusal. For me, this shows that change within the setting of heritage assets does not always equate to harm. By ensuring the positive management of change for heritage assets, whilst achieving success for our client is a fantastic outcome, demonstrating heritage's essential part in the wider planning process".

Planning Application

For full details of the planning application, please refer to Gosport Borough Council's Public Access Planning Search, under reference 23/00051/FULL.